
Frequently Asked Questions


What is AKUN? How does it work?
AKUN is a website — an online Cash Book application for recording daily expenses and income. You can find more information about the product elsewhere on this site.

The features in AKUN’s basic package are excellent. But I’d like more advanced accounting features. Are these available?
Yes. Just contact us. You’ll find our details on our Contact page. Attach any relevant data and we will contact you as soon as possible to talk you through the possibilities.

Data Management

Is my financial data safe?
We do everything possible to keep your financial data safe:

  • Data is stored on a cloud-server that’s backed up to different locations, either online or offline
  • We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) with 256 bit encryptions to secure the internet connection between your computers and your mobile phones

How do you ensure the confidentiality of my financial data?

  • We send your financial data via encrypted internet connections to be stored randomly alongside millions of data transactions from other users.
  • The only way that your financial information can be accessed is via your email, password, and personal data. In accordance with the multi-user standard service, every password stored in the database should be encrypted, so that no one but you may read your password or view your financial data.

What if I lost my password and couldn’t log in?

  • We all forget passwords from time to time. When this happens to you, just use the ‘Forgot Password’ feature to create a new one.
  • However, make sure the email you input on AKUN is valid, safe, and active, because the system will send you information about the change of password via email at the address you originally specified.
  • Password security and management are the user’s responsibility (See Terms of Service). We are not liable for data loss, data manipulation, or account blockage resulting from user-carelessness.

How are my email and personal data kept confidential?
We will not show or sell your email or personal data to any third party. Those data will be used exclusively by you to log on to the system. You will find more information about personal data management on our Privacy Policy page.


How do I add, edit, or delete income or expense Categories?
Expense categories and income categories can be added, edited, and deleted on the menu “Settings -> Categories”.

How do I edit “Start Balance” on my cash book?
Click menu “Settings -> Cash Book”. You can see your cash books. Click “Edit” on one of them, and then change the number on “Start Balance”.

How do I change the language?
Click menu “Settings -> User” (or “Settings -> My Account” for mobile version). Choose the language you want to use, and then save.

I entered a date and time. But they don’t look right. Why is that?
Maybe you chose the wrong time zone. Click menu “Settings -> User” (or “Settings -> My Account” for mobile version). Choose the time zone for your state. Then save.

What if I need offline data backup?
You can download the financial data in PDF format. Click the PDF icon on the Reports page.

I want to restart all the app data. Can I remove all cash book activities or reset the app?
Yes. Sign in to AKUN.biz in browser version (https://www.akun.biz/apps), then open the menu “Options -> User & Account”.  Click “Reset Cash Book” and follow the instructions.

If I use AKUN on Android or iOS, will I have to register again to use AKUN Desktop?
No. Once you sign up/register on AKUN, either via Android, iPhone, or browser, you can automatically login to all of them. The data you enter on the browser version of AKUN will automatically show up on Android, and vice versa.

If I upgrade to AKUN Premium via mobile phone, will the browser version also be upgraded?
Every time you upgrade using either your browser or mobile phone, all application versions from Android, iOS, or desktop (browser) are simultaneously upgraded.

Why are the prices on PayPal and in-app purchase on Android / iOS different?
We intentionally provide several payment methods, such as bank transfer (Indonesia only), Paypal, or through an in-app purchase on Android and iOS. The price on each payment method differs depending on the cost of commissions we must pay to the payment service provider. You are, of course, free to choose the best method for you.

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