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Debts and Credits Addition

published December 16, 2016 views 4,004 device All Devices device All Users

Adding Or Decreasing Debt And Credit

AKUN.biz’s debt and credit feature enables you to record adding or decreasing history, so all payment activities or partial payment from the debt and credit can be traced and recorded.

To record adding or decreasing history of debt, choose and click ‘magnify’. Then you will find page containing details of the chosen debt and credit.

In the page which contains details of debt and credit, on the top right of the page, there are 2 main buttons which are used to add or to decrease debt or credit.

If you are opening Debt Details, then:

  • (-) button Debt Payment: is used to record debt decreasing, which is when you pay half, partial, or even fully paid it.
  • (+) button Debt Adding: is used to record debt adding, which is when you add more debt to a person or when there is another cost such as interest.

If you are opening Credit Details, then:

  • (-) button Credit Payment: is used to record credit decreasing, which is when a person that in debt to you, you pay half, partial, or even fully paid it.
  • (+) button Credit Adding: is used to record credit adding, which is when you give money or add more credit to a person.

Same as when creating new debt or credit, every adding or decreasing debt and credit activity is also recorded at Cash Book.

After it saved, that activity will be appear in the list, complete with its balance progress, and in every column of activity will appear (X) button that is used to erase the activity.

Note: When you erase debt and credit activity, if previously you also record that debt and credit activity in the Cash Book, then the transactions will also be erased.

Adding Or Decreasing Debt And Credit Via Smart Phone:

AKUN.biz’s debt and credit feature enables you to record adding or decreasing history, so all payment activities or partial payment from the debt and credit can be traced and recorded.

To do it, please click an item of debt or credit, then you will find a page which contains details of the debt or credit.

In this debt and credit details page, there are 2 main buttons to add or to decrease debt and credit.

If you are opening Debt Details, then:

  • (+) button Debt Adding: is used to record debt adding, which is when you add more debt to a person or when there is another cost such as interest.
  • (-) button Debt Payment: is used to record debt decreasing, which is when you pay half, partial, or even fully paid it.

If you are opening Credit Details, then:

  • (+) button Credit Adding: is used to record credit adding, which is when you give money or add more credit to a person.
  • (-) button Credit Payment: is used to record credit decreasing, which is when a person that in debt to you, you pay half, partial, or even fully paid it.

Same as when creating new debt and credit, every activity of adding and decreasing debt and credit will automatically record at Cash Book.

After it saved, the activity will appear in the list, complete with balance progress, and in each column activity will appear (X) button that is used to erase the activity.


2 responses to “Debts and Credits Addition”

  1. Ahmad Mansur Sidieq says:

    Kami adalah salah satu pengguna akun Biz. kami adalah Yayasan yang di dalamya ada unit pendidikan mulai dari jenjang SD, SMP dan SMA. yang secara keseluruhan jumlah siswanya mencapai angka 600 an siswa.
    pertanyaannya adalah jika seluruh tagihan keuangan para siswa dimasukkan dalam akun Biz. bagimanakah peletakkan yang paling pas sehingga mudah untuk dibaca dan dianalisa kapan pun dan dimanapun?

    • Terima kasih telah menghubungi kami.

      AKUNbiz memang menyediakan fitur utang dan piutang, akan tetapi memang AKUNbiz ini lebih disasarkan pada pemanfaatan pribadi, lembaga kecil pun UMKM. Sedangkan untuk lebih dari itu, kami menyediakan pembangunan sistem berdasarkan kebutuhan pengguna, hanya saja memang biayanya jauh lebih ebsar, yaitu minimal di angka 30juta.

      Terkait dengan situasi yang Bapak/Ibu hadapi, yaitu penggunaan AKUNbiz untuk banyak transaksi. Kami menyarankan hal tersebut bisa dibikin terpisah dan tersendiri pada buku kasnya. Misalnya untuk jenjang SD buku kas bernama Tagihan SD, untuk SMP bernama Buku Kas SMP, pun dengan jenjang SMA. Mengenai nama buku kas silakan disesuaikan apa yang kiranya tepat.

      Dengan demikian, segala hal pencatatan itu bisa dipisahkan. Pun dengan kategori, bisa pula dibikin sama ataupun berbeda berdasar kebutuhan.

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